Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

You like me…you really like me!


Sorry for the ancient Sally Fields reference…but Steve was just telling me that I’ve gotten a good number of hits on my little blog here. When I asked how many “a good number” constituted, he said “well let’s just say, for only being up for a week, you’ve gotten more than I had in my first couple of weeks on my blog”. Well DUH! I adore my genius computer geek hubby but his blog is about technical stuff – Cold Fusion language and making it work with Jboss (I think…I try to pay attention but when he starts talking about it I end up hearing Charlie Brown’s teacher’s voice “woh woh woh woh woh” – he usually stops talking when my eyes glaze over). Adoption stuff is way more interesting. Anyway, thanks everyone for stopping by and following my journey.

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