Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

I’m a moron


It was pouring rain this morning in our fair city. But I had the complete novel (I mean application) for our homestudy agency completed (yes, Steve wrote his bio last night – bless his heart) and I wanted to get it in the mail today. So, I pulled out the umbrella and made my way to the post office a few blocks from my office. Happily walking back to my office and patting myself on the back for the 5 day turn around time on the application, it hit me. I forgot to enclose the check. I had a list of all of the things to include but I forgot to put the check on that list so it didn’t go in the packet. I had to call these people who I am trying to convince that I am responsible enough to entrust a child to and tell them that I am a moron. I promised to send the check out separately but I didn’t want them to wonder where it was. These things happen, right?

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