Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

My incredible self-control & Making progress


We went to Target tonight. I LOVE Target. Steve was browsing in the men’s department and I noticed the baby department across the aisle. I wandered over that way. When I shop, I am totally tactile – I touch EVERYTHING. And if it’s soft, I’ll stop and look at it. EVERYTHING in the baby department is soft. I walked around hugging an adorable (and yes, you’ve got it – soft) Tigger. I walked up and down the aisles touching things like a pervert in a porn shop. I found this incredibly soft blankie – pink and fuzzy, it was so sweet. (Why aren’t adult blankets that soft? I would love to have a blanket like that!) I took the blanket over and made Steve feel it. Then, I walked the blanket and the Tigger back to the baby department and left them there. I think I deserve hot fugde for exhibiting that much self control. I’ve been waiting years to walk into a baby department and buy things for myself rather than for a friend’s baby shower. But, we’ve agreed that we want to wait until we have a referral to start buying things. (I think Steve is afraid of the sheer volume of things I might buy if I had an additional 4 months of shopping time.) We decided we want to wait until we have a daughter to buy things for rather than buying them for a hypothetical future baby.

I’ve made some progress on items for the dossier and items for the home study. Our Act33/34 Clearances were mailed yesterday (a form required for home study here in PA). My employer is writing and notarizing my employment verification letter. The local police department is writing and notarizing our local police clearance letters. The mega-application/information forms for the home study agency are finished. Steve made his appointment with the doctor to get a physical so we can get our medical letters done. The biggest trick for that will be getting a notary to the doctor’s office (they don’t have one on staff). And I wrote my autobiography for the home study.

I will mail in our homestudy app so that we can schedule the home study as soon as Steve writes his autobiography and fills in a couple of blanks on the financial forms. It will be great to get that going. Poor guy – I’m turing into a nag by sending him “to-do” lists at work everyday. I hate nagging but this is the only part of the process we have any control over so I want to get through it as quickly as possible. He is writing the autobiography now…but isn’t too happy about it.

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