Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Adoption Brain?


My friends who have been pregnant claim that they become stupid during pregnancy – they call this pregnancy brain. My friend Deanna claimed she found an article that proved this was based on scientific fact. I’m wondering if it is possible that I’ve got a similar affliction – Adoption Brain.

I had several things I wanted to accomplish today on the adoption front. I wanted to contact several home study agencies to get information and choose one. I called 4. I left 4 messages. I have received 0 call backs 6 hours later. I printed out the application for the agency I am interested in using and have filled it out. It will be faxed tonight. I printed out the I-600A, a form from Homeland Security to be approved as fit by our government to adopt a foreign child. The actual form is less than 2 full pages. The instructions for this form is 4 pages. I thought, how hard can it be? I had to go to the adoption message board I belong to and ask 5 separate questions. Yes, even the 4 pages of instructions didn’t make it clear enough for me. I am an intelligent woman. In my work, I have helped people file for divorce, file for custody, file for protection orders and even file their freaking taxes! But I can’t figure out this stupid 2 page form for the life of me. When did I become such a moron? I hope my brain comes out of this fog soon because this is one of the easier tasks in the process!

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