Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Weekend Recap


First off, 09/02/08 aka The Trip That Would Not End didn’t happen.  We will never speak of that day again.  Second, if you have a 5 week old constantly nursing baby and an active 2 year old and you are considering a car trip that would normally be 8 1/2 or 9 hours – don’t.  ‘Nuff said.

Moving on.

Being home (notice I didn’t say getting home) was fabulous.  Even with the loss of routine, a bazillion new faces, copious amounts of sugar (thanks Uncle Mike), sleep disruptions, and constant overstimulation, the girls were amazing.  We made it to Ohio around 7pm on Friday evening and stayed until Saturday evening.  I didn’t hook up with any of the friends I would have liked to have seen but it was quite nice having some quiet time with my family.

Aunt Rusty could hardly wait to get her hands on Tessa and see Sabrina.

We call Uncle Mike the baby whisperer…and he charms the slightly older crowd with unmonitored amounts of sugar.

Grandma Frieda with Tessa, me, Aunt Rusty with Sabrina, Uncle Mike (my  nephew Ricky must have already left):

They built a water park in the town my step mom lives in so we walked down to take a look.  Sabrina wasn’t impressed.

In PA, we visited with friends (and I took no photos) and family.  Again, it was a really nice visit.  Our niece and nephew were also in town for a visit with Grandma and Pap pap.

Sabrina and Tessa loved hanging out on the king sized bed in the hotel.

I don’t have permission to post a photo of my niece (I obviously don’t care if adults want to be posted) but here she is admiring her new little cousin.

The weather was simply gorgeous all weekend.  We spent out time in PA on the screened in porch.

Men and babies seem to be able to sleep anywhere.

Aunt Lulu and Tessa (Aunt Lulu send us a link to the photos you took this weekend)

Sabrina was obsessed with this little car (she is actually a little obsessed with cars in general).  Steve has declared she must have one.

Enough for today.  Tessa has decided that food must be obtained every 2 hours at the bare minimum and we are apparently pushing that deadline right now.  And Sabrina seems to be on strike from eating anything that isn’t crap so I need to go encourage some eggs into her.  Mommy needs a coffee IV this morning but there is only enough milk in the house for Sabrina’s breakfast.  It feels like Monday.

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