Michelle Smiles

Teaching my children to question authority, except mine.

Pause button please


As much as I am ready to regain complete and full possession of my body again, I couldn’t quite help freaking out a little when the calendar flipped to June. That means next month we are having a baby. Next month?!?! Admittedly, it is the other end of next month but just being able to say it in those casual terms makes me feel a slight panic attack coming on. It’s not like saying “Oh I need to get the oil changed in the car next month” or “What about going hiking next month?”. I am bringing another small human child into this world next month. I know people do it every day but surely they are people who have some idea of what they are getting themselves into. People who don’t still eat ice cream for breakfast sometimes. You know – grown up people. I don’t care what my drivers license says – I am not sure I qualify as a grown up some days.


Conversation with my mother last night:

Mom: How are you feeling?

Me: Huge but otherwise fine.

Mom: *laughs* I have to tell you that you don’t have any idea what huge is. You won’t believe how big you get in the next 8 weeks.

Me: *not laughing* Really? Is that the way you want to go with your cranky pregnant kid? I’m well aware the worst is yet to come but is that really what you want to point out to me right now?


Sabrina has gotten over her hatred of shoes. She now thinks it is great fun to play with mommy’s shoes. This usually means when I am trying to leave the house, I can only find 1 of each pair.


And I found a little chair just her size at the grocery store last week.  Best $1.50 I’ve ever spent.  She carries it around from room to room with her and sits her stuffed animals in it if she isn’t sitting in it.  If the dog goes near it to sniff at it, she yells “No!  No!”


posted under Pregnancy | 14 Comments »

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack


My BFF, her husband and her daughter came to visit this weekend.  For some strange reason, I never get the camera out and take photos when people visit.  I take photos all of the time of ordinary days but when something interesting is happening – nothing.  We took them to a Nashville Sounds game last night and I managed to take a couple of photos at the game but none of them (duh).  It was a rather dull game but a fun night out.  I made a silly mistake: a hotdog + a hot pretzel with salt + 85 degrees + almost 8 months pregnant = ankles the size of Canada by the end of the game.




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